Monday, September 6, 2010

Dr. Carr's first lecture

Dr. Carr's first lecture was Learning, Wisdom and the African World Experience. I loved the lecture! Learning about the root of my heritage was something i do not get in MA. I went to a prep school in MA and was the only black girl in my class. We went over black history, but it always started at the part where my people were enslaved. I liked how Dr. Carr started from the VERY beginning and demonstrated how black people began. One aspect of this i REALLY loved learning about was the hyroglifics and the African words. The words we met were so powerful and inspirational. Learning these words reminded me of the Boston Celtics (my favorite team!) When in Rome before the 2007-08 season (they won the championship that year) they were visited by an old African man who taught them the word "ubuntu". This word is east African and it means: to face adversity. Lastly, learning about Jahooty and Seshat was very intriguing. I liked what they stood for and how historic they were.

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